Things tagged 'cycling'

limited to the area of Spokes East Kent:

3 issues found for 'cycling':

  • Strood High Street Regeneration

    Anon // 1 thread

    Outline proposals for changes to Strood High Street. £9m scheme to take through traffic away from town centre.

    20mph limit on High Street, various actions to prioritise pedestrian movements, re-allocation of carriageway space (lane narrowing).

    Having had a brief chat to the engineers designing the scheme the 20mph limit and reduced lane widths should assist cyclists "taking the lane" in the High Street.

    Commercial Road will have a cycletrack to the south of the carriageway with a crossing of Knight Road. Details are disappointingly vague at this stage.

    Various ASLs and other minor works.

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  • Medway Cycling Action Plan 2015/18 - Consultation

    Anon // 1 thread

    The Cycling Action Plan has been updated to reflect the current situation in Medway. A key part of the document highlights where further work can be carried out to encourage and promote cycling. This includes introducing new cycle routes and improvements to some existing paths. Through its’ partnership with the South East Local Enterprise Partnership, Medway Council has successfully secured £2.5m Local Growth Fund project funding to deliver some of the package of capital projects detailed in the Cycling Action Plan. This funding provides the opportunity to make a significant change to the levels of cycling in Medway. This funding will be received over a three year period between 2015/16 to 2017/18 and will be supplemented with other funding sources.

    "The draft Cycling Action Plan has now been completed and has been published on the Medway Council website at

    The consultation period runs for four weeks, ending on Friday 30th October 2015. We would welcome any comments you have on the provisional Action Plan. If you would like to contribute to the consultation please forward any comments you have to"

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  • Cycling on A2

    Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread

    The A2 is a hostile environment for cycling. Cyclists should be directed away from using the A2 towards existing safe alternatives (e.g. RCR16) and the current A2 cycle signs should be removed.

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No planning applications found for 'cycling'.

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